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OFN Blog

SHUT-I (Sleep Aid/Recovery)

Cory Outten



How does it work?

Sleep is a category that is very underestimated in terms of its benefits. The fact is most people would reach for a preworkout before a sleep aid as a supplement even if they have terrible sleep but have enough drive and energy for the gym. As kids, we would despise having to go to sleep or take a nap but as adults we look forward to it and dread when we sleep terribly for the day following.

Our goal with SHUT-I was to bring a unique twist to the sleep aid category with a reliable and consistent product that delivers time and time again. We didn’t want to give you a sedative that will make you pass out and wake up feeling groggy and slumped the following day. We want it to feel like the normal sleep process of becoming tired and falling asleep easier and staying asleep without the next morning grogginess.

Everybody will have a different experience with supplements but in terms of formula and the reviews we nailed what our vision was for this product while giving you a flavor that doesn’t make you want to gag and actually tastes good. Here is how the ingredients we went with work and the benefits you will receive from them!

Glycine: Glycine is an amino acid that your body utilizes to create proteins, which it needs for the growth and maintenance of tissue and for making important substances, such as hormones and enzymes.

  • May improve sleep quality

  • Aids in muscle recovery/prevent muscle loss

  • Used by the body to make powerful antioxidant (Glutathione)

  • Plays important role in nervous system & brain function

Collagen Type ll: Collagen is one of the most common types of protein found in humans and animals. It is present in their skin, tissues, ligaments, tendons, bones, and blood vessels. 

  • Boosts Joint Health

  • Reduces joint inflammation

  • Contains (Hyaluronic acid) which is naturally found in the fluid that lubricates the joints

GABA:Gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA) is a neurotransmitter, or chemical messenger, in the brain. It blocks specific signals in the central nervous system, slowing down the brain. This provides a protective and calming effect on the brain and body.”

  • Reduces anxiety

  • Helps improve sleep

  • Can help to burn fat more quickly

  • Prevents brain damage

L-Tyrosine: is an amino acid that is naturally produced in the body from another amino acid called phenylalanine. It produces important brain chemicals that help nerve cells communicate and may even regulate mood.

  • Helps make several substances (Dopamine, Adrenaline and noradrenaline, Thyroid hormones and Melanin)

  • Improves mental performance

  • Can help regulate/improve mood

Chamomile Flower Extract: Chamomile’s important antioxidants are found in the plant’s oils and are the main contributors to its natural healing properties.

  • High source of antioxidants

  • Fights anxiety & depression

  • Improves digestion

  • Anti-inflammatory & pain reducing properties

  • Promotes skin health

L-Tryptophan: Tryptophan is an important amino acid that can be found in many protein-rich foods. It plays a major role in protein synthesis and other processes that improves mood and sleep.

  • Improves time to sleep & quality of sleep

  • Promotes calmness & relaxation

  • Helps improve/stabilize mood

  • Promotes mental clarity

  • May help in better metabolism

L-Dopa (Seed): is an amino acid and a hormone which plays the major role in the process of neurotransmitters dopamine, norepinephrine and epinephrine.

  • Increase calmness & anxiety

  • Increase libido

  • Improve quality of sleep

  • Improve memory & recall

Valerian Root: “Valerian root contains volatile oils (esters of short-chain fatty acids). These active constituents are likely responsible for valerian root’s ability to produce a calming and restorative effect on the body’s central nervous system.”

  • Increases GABA and serotonin production (In turn reduces stress/anxiety)

  • Promotes better quality sleep & restfulness

  • Helps lower blood pressure/improve heart health

  • Reduces time to fall asleep

5 HTP: is an amino acid that your body naturally produces and uses it to produce serotonin, a chemical messenger that sends signals between your nerve cells.

  • Helps induce sleep

  • Improves mood

  • Reduces anxiety

  • Promotes calmness & relaxation

Melatonin: Melatonin is a hormone produced by the pineal gland in your brain. It’s primarily responsible for regulating your body’s circadian rhythm to manage your natural sleep cycle.

  • Supports better sleep

  • Can reduce symptoms of seasonal depression

  • May increase levels of human growth hormone

  • Helps fight insomnia

SHUT-I was designed to promote relaxation, calmness and give you a deep restful sleep while maintaining a healthy sleep cycle and pattern. Be sure to check it out for yourself and get some SHUT-I.


Behind UnFazed

Cory Outten

UnFazed Grass Pic.jpg

Will it help you?

Ingredient benefits…

Stress and anxiety are hot topics in the world today, most people if not everyone experience or know of somebody that deals with anxiety or overbearing stress. It’s just something that has become normal in todays society. With this in mind coming from our own families, we wanted to bring something to market in a category that not too many companies dabble in head on.

Sure, many companies add stress aiding ingredients to certain products as a benefit to that product but not as a product as a whole. UnFazed in this regard is a product created with the notion of helping and taking the edge off daily stresses and anxiety.

This is by no means a fix all product and shouldn’t be purchased as such. But, will it help you out? I definitely believe so.

Lets see some of the benefits each ingredient brings to the table:

SerinAid PhosphatidylSerine (PS):

Improvement in key brain functions, including memory, concentration, learning, recall, and focus.

  • Prevention of memory loss, especially age-related cognitive decline.

  • Reduction of elevated cortisol levels and reduction of stress.

  • Improvement in athletic activities including running, weightlifting, and golf.

  • Helps reduce fatigue, reduces muscle soreness, and hastens recovery, in active and athletic individuals.

Rhodiola Rosea:

“The adaptogenic benefits of Rhodiola Rosea include that it helps regulate natural physiological, immune and neurological reactions to oxidative stress in order to be able to adjust and adapt to physical, chemical and environmental challenges in the body.”

  • Lowers Stress Levels (Cortisol)

  • Increase energy levels

  • Increases Dopamine sensitivity (improves mood, helps fight food cravings and addiction)

  • Increases cognitive brain function (increases sensitivity to dopamine and serotonin: improves mood, memory, focus and pleasure)

  • Helps in protecting and stimulating the immune system by restoring metabolic balance in the body


Kanna is known from South Africa being a chewable herb for its psychoactive effects (Bodily and Mental relaxation)

  • Decreases anxiety levels

  • Helps with stress and depression symptoms

  • Improves mood (Alkaloids in plant helping maintain serotonin levels)

  • Increases energy


The combination of Astragalus Membranaceus & Panax Notoginseng widely known to be Included in supplements with vitamins, amino acids or products to increase energy. The combination of the two provide many benefits.

  • Increase absorption of ingredients

  • Increase protein synthesis due to the uptake of ingredients & nutrients

  • Regulate appetite

With the synergy of these ingredients our product UnFazed is primed to help you push through your days a little less stressed, anxious and with an improved mood along with many other benefits these ingredients bring.

Be sure to check it out today and be UnFazed everyday!
